Week 1 on Coursera : Miracles of human language (Introduction of human language)

From what i learn from week 1 about Introduction of human language, i learn many things about what human languages are made of. like the difference between human language and animal language, their communications are different than the human.

Most of the human speaks many languages in the world, but several of people had their own languages as well that we didn't know, like Taribit from Turkey, Basque from Spain, Gungbe in Niger Congo, etc. some of the languages are from traditional language, or from the family generation language.

i also learn about the human communication language which it has 3 types of it. such as :

1. Infinite message with finite means
2. Talk about things not here and now
3. Langugage is fundamentally cooperative tool

Prof. Marc van Oostendorp taught me many things what it comes to human languages from all around the world, and i hope i will learn some kind of languages that people aren't know that the language are exist or not.
I was doing my best for the quiz and this is all i got :(


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